Gainable Badges

Playtime Badges: These can be earned by playing Royale High for a certain amount of hours. All playtime is counted POST RH3 RELEASE. These are as follows:
Freshfairy - Earned once you join Royale High (post-RH3)
Sophomermaid- You can earn this badge for playing Royale High for 100+ Hours.
Junicorn- This badge can be earned after 600+ playtime hours.
Senioroyalty- Badge can be earned after 1000+ playtime hours.
Quest Completionist Badges: You can earn these badges by completing a certain amount of quests. However, these quests can only be completed in the RH3 (so far). For a guide on how to complete the quests, you can check its designated section. These quest badges are as follows:
50 Quests, 100 Quests, 250 Quests, 500 Quests, 1000 Quests, 2500 Quests, 5000 Quests, 7500 Quests, 10000 Quests
Musical Chairs Badges: You can earn these badges by winning games of Musical Chairs in “RH3: Rainy Day Classroom”. These can be obtained by their quantities, which are as follows:
1 Win
100 Wins
1000 Wins
Tidy Textbooks Stacker: You can earn this badge by placing on the Global Leaderboard for the Tidy Textbooks minigame.
Element Badges: You can get the element badges by subscribing to each of the elemental kingdoms. You can earn element slots via Sparkly Star Rewards. Elements include:
- Ice
- Fire
- Nature
- Light
- Dark
Forbidden Passageways: Unlock the door in “RH3: Main Campus” to get this badge + a special airplane note tool. PS: The code that most people get is 1238 (mainly new ppl).
Road Less Traveled: Upon joining RH3 for the first time, visit the Enchantraverse without using the help of the golden orbs.
Double Halos: Earn this badge when you win the same halo from the fountain TWICE!
Tidy Textbooks Badges: You can earn these badges by stacking books in Tidy Textbooks. The amounts are as follows:
25 Textbooks Stacked
35 Textbooks Stacked
45 Textbooks Stacked
50 Textbooks Stacked
55 Textbooks Stacked
60 Textbooks Stacked
70 Textbooks Stacked
Wave Badges: Complete each designated wave on the Spinning Wheel to get each badge.
Gamepass Badges: Earn these badges by purchasing the gamepasses listed in-game. All 8 game passes cost robux and total to: 3,397R$. There are: Faster flight, Paintbrush, hair colours, Special fabrics, Crystal ball, Sticker packs, Double diamonds & Quadruple diamonds.
Treasure Chest Badges: You can earn these badges by finding a certain amount of Chests in RH3 or Royale High in general. These amounts are as follows:
25 Chests
50 Chests
100 Chests
250 Chests
Blessed With Unique Halos: Earn these badges by winning a certain amount of halos from the fountain. These halos have to be different. You can win up to 10 different halos and gain these badges. The quantities are: 2,3,5 & 10
Break in!: Earn this badge by finding the headmistresses office vent in the vent system! You need 5 people to break open the door - check out our chest locations tab to find the vent system map!
Here from day 1: First Class: Gain this badge when you first play enroll in campus 3!
Campus 3 beta tester: This badge is only available for those who are level 500+ and help to test new phases and realms before public release!
Royale High Welcome Package: Earn this badge when you speak to Poppy at the front office and gain your laptop, dorm key, backpack, teleportation sceptre, phone and student planner!
Perfect Attendance!: Earn this badge by doing your daily log-ins for 365 days in a row - you can use your computer in your dorm or in the apartments.
Art Class Badges: You can earn these badges by guessing correctly in Art Class. These can be obtained by their quantities, which are as follows:
1 Win
100 Wins
1000 Wins
Art Class is currently not available but with the badges being viewable we hope it will be released soon!
Joined the Artists Wall of Fame!: Badge is currently not available to earn until Art Class is released.